can 在英语中有一个特殊的名字,叫做情态动词,表示“能够”, “会”, “能力”后面要跟着表示动作的动词。没有时态和人称的变化。表示不能做什么的时候,后面加上 not为can not,或者缩写为can’t。问别人“能…吗?”要把can 放在句子前面,首字母要大写,句尾别忘加上问号。
—I can swing.I can draw. —She can jump.He can play .
—We can touch .They can run. —I can’t sing.You can’t see.
—She can’t dance.He can’t hear a car. —We can’t hear an aeroplane.
—Can you hear a dog?Can he hear a bus? —Can Lucy write?Can you do it?
1._____________(an, aeroplane, hear, Lucy, can)
2. _____________________(not, he , dance, can )
3.__________________? (you, can , see, what )
4._________________(can , see , not , we , you)
5._________________. (I , can , help , you )
6._____________________? (I, can , do, what)
7.___________________? (you , can , hear me)
8.___________________? (you , can , dance)
表示 ---- 的,这样的词我们也学习很多了,你能想出来吗?
记住这个小口诀就很容易了:我的 my ,你的your,他的 his、她的her. //它的是its; 我们的 our; 你们的是 your他们(它们,她们)的是their//这些人称代词形式称为人称代词所属格,也叫形容词性物主代词。通常用在名词前面表示所属关系。另外,表示某人的还可以用名词或人名+ ’s 来表示。如:
my kite;your book;his pen;her coat;its tail;our class;
their teachers;my brother’s;book;the cat’s ears;Mary’s mother
I________ you_________ he______________ She_________ it____________
we_____________ You_________ they_________
(1) This is Ben. This is _______bicycle.
(2) I am Kitty. ______ bag is blue
(3) She’s Alice. That’s _____ umbrella.
(4) You are Mr Li. ______ car is black.
(5) Is this ______ hat? Yes, it’s my hat.
(6) That’s my mother.That’s _____ coat.
(7) Where’s ______ scarf? Here you are.
(8) He’s Mr Wang. _____ gloves are new.
1. 你的名字 _____________ 2.我们班___________
3. 他的小弟弟____________ 4.我祖母___________
5. 它的尾巴 ______________ 6.我的鞋____________
7. 她的围巾________________ 8.我的衬衫_________
9. 他们的老师______________ 10.玛丽的雨伞_________
1.___________________________ (my ,is,name , Tom)
2.____________________________ (is, miss ,Gao, , our,friend)
3.____________________________ (is what ,your number ,telephone)
4.____________________________? (mother , your ,a teacher , is)
5.____________________________? (who’s , cap , it , is)
答案:一. I(my) you (your) he(his) she(her) it(its) We (our) you (your) they (their)
三. 1.your name 2.our class 3. his little brother 4.my grandmother 5.its tail 6.my shoes 7.her scarf 8.my shirt 9.their teacher 10. Mary’s umbrella
四. 1.My name is Tom. 2.Miss Gao is our friend 3.What’s your telephone number? 4.Is your mother a teacher? 5.Who’s cap is it?
介词如: in 在…里面on在…上面under在…下面等。
in the classroom in the tree in the hall
on the road on the desk on the floor
under the table under the bed under the chair
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