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我最好的朋友 My Best Friend

[02-10 17:02:32]   来源:http://www.kuaixue5.com  高中英语作文   阅读:8409
概要: 概要:《My Best Friend》 I have a best friend. She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working. She favorite season is summer,because it's hot ,she can eat ice- cream.Shelike playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs. Who's she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle. 译文: 我有个最好的朋友。 她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子。她很瘦,对人非常和蔼
我最好的朋友 My Best Friend,标签:高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文大全,http://www.kuaixue5.com
My Best Friend
  I have a best friend.  
  She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose.She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good.She is hard-working.   
  She favorite season is summer,because it's hot ,she can eat ice- cream.She like playing the piano ,reading books and singing songs.  
  Who's she? She is my best friend ---Sun Mengqi.She has a very good English name,too---Angle.  
  她有着长长的黑色直发,大大的黑眼睛和一个小鼻子。她很瘦,对人非常和蔼,她也很可爱。她的英语和语文非常好。她学习十分认真。  她最喜欢的季节是夏季,因为夏天很热,她能吃冰淇凌。她喜欢弹琴,读书和唱歌。  

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