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[05-16 16:08:44]   来源:http://www.kuaixue5.com  初三英语阅读   阅读:8998
概要: 概要:2011中考英语阅读理解A(武汉中考)Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 when I was in high school.The test was the final for a course. I remember waiting anxiously as my teacher Mr. Right passed out our papers one by one. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning, and I could tell by the groans that the scores weren’t looking good.Mr. Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to draw attention, was my score, 55!I lowered my head, and c


  Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 when I was in high school.

  The test was the final for a course. I remember waiting anxiously as my teacher Mr. Right passed out our papers one by one. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning, and I could tell by the groans that the scores weren’t looking good.

  Mr. Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to draw attention, was my score, 55!

  I lowered my head, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classmates to see. “The scores were not very good, none of you passed,” Mr. Right said. “The highest score in the class was a 55.”

  A 55. That’s me!

  Suddenly my sad look didn’t look so bad. I had the highest score. I felt a lot better.

  I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My father knew that I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, “How did you do in your test?”“I made a 55,” I said.

  A frown(皱眉)now stood on my father’s face. I knew I had to explain immediately. “But Dad, I had the highest score in the class,” I proudly stated. I thought that explanation would make a difference. “You failed!” my father replied. “But it’s the highest!” I insisted. “I don’t care what scores others had, but you failed. What matters is what you do!” my father firmly said.

  For years, my father was always that way. It didn’t matter what others did, it only mattered what I did and that I did it excellently.

  We often don’t understand the wisdom(智慧)of good parents until we ourselves stand in the parents’ shoes. My father’s words have carried me throughout life.

  56. The word groaning is the closest in meaning to _____.

  A. singing  B. laughing  C. complaining  D. quarreling

  57. In class, to hide my score from my classmates, I _____.

  A. lowered my head  B. covered my score up

  C. walked home alone  D. explained immediately

  58. A frown stood on my father’s face because he thought _____.

  A. I did a bad job in the test

  B. I gave a good excuse

  C. I became the worst student

  D. I stood in his shoes

  59. We can infer from the passage that _____.

  A. the father was strict with his child.

  B. the writer was always poor in tests.

  C. Mr. Right was worried about the writer

  D. the writer was always happy with his scores

  60. Which is the best title of the passage?

  A. The Final Test  B. That’s Me!

  C. My strict Teacher  D. Scores, Important?



  56. C 词义理解题。题目相当难,而同学们的分数不高,所以同学们发出的是抱怨声。

  57. B 细节理解题。由第四段第一句可知,为了不让同学看到分数,我把我的分数盖住。

  58. A 细节理解题。由第八段可知,父亲皱眉是因为我考试考得不好。

  59. A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,父亲要求我做事要做得完美可知,父亲对我很严厉。

  60. D 主旨大意题。本文围绕考试后,得到分数不高,但是全班最高的,

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